Services for people: work of ASCs in hromadas

By Roman Matviychuk, regional coordinator of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Roll-Out Phase, in the Ekonomichna Pravda


The decentralisation reform enables amalgamated hromadas (AHs) to bring services closer to consumers…

Today, many AHs have truly integrated administrative service centres (ASCs) with the widest possible range of services.

Due to the integration of services, residents can register their place of residence, civil status acts and receive a number of local services, which, prior to the ASC establishment, were provided in a room format by individual officials.

The social aspect is central to the establishment of a proper ASC in the AH, since services are provided in comfortable conditions for visitors, become closer to residents, who no longer need to travel to the rayon centre and stand hours in stuffy corridors with inappropriate conditions for waiting.

Through the ASC establishment, hromadas receive an opportunity to raise additional funds to their budgets from individual paid service delivery.

Limited-capacity hromadas can also significantly improve the administrative service delivery, creating only remote ASC workplaces by concluding co-operation agreements with more capable hromadas.

Hromadas receive support in the establishment and modernisation from the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, an international programme funded by the European Union and its member countries Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.

One of the key objectives of the Programme is to improve the quality of administrative service delivery for the population. By 2020, within the framework of the Programme, up to 600 Ukrainian ASCs will receive support in ASC establishment and modernisation.

Selection of hromadas to participate in the Programme is carried out through an open competition.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Administrative services Roman Matviichuk


Економічна правда

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