On starosta’s participation in AH executive committee’s work

By Oleksandr Vrublevskyi, DESPRO expert consultant on starostas’ activity and hromadas’ cooperation,

Starosta has some powers he/she exercises outside his/her starosta district. One of these powers is representation of interests of the residents of the respective village, urban-type settlement in the executive bodies of the local council through participation in the work of the executive committee of the AH council (hereinafter referred to as the executive committee).

Starosta’s participation in the work of the executive committee includes:

  1. Participation in the planning of the executive committee’s activities;
  2. Participation in the working groups established by the executive committee to carry out the tasks arising from the powers of the executive bodies of the AH council;
  3. Preparation of draft decisions of the executive committee and their introduction for further consideration;
  4. Participation in meetings of the executive committee and its decision-making process;
  5. Exercise of powers that fall within the competence of the executive committee.

The executive committee of the AH council should be perceived and used by the starosta as a service platform for solving not only issues relating to the interests of the residents of the relevant starosta district, but also the amalgamated hromadas as a whole. In this regard, starosta should understand the importance of his/her place and role in solving the issues of ensuring the vital AH activity, as well as importance of starosta’s participation in this process.


P.S. Additional questions to the author of this publication can be put at the Forum of Starostas http://forum.decentralization.ua

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


starosta starosta analytics DESPRO Oleksandr Vrublevskyi


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