Tetiivska AH is implementing “Digital Hromada” project

The Tetiivska urban amalgamated hromada in the Kyiv Oblast is implementing the “Digital Hromada” project which shall help to increase effectiveness in property records and management.

Head of the Tetiivska AH Ruslan Maystruk reported this at a press conference at the Ukrinform news agency.

"The Tetiivska urban amalgamated hromada became the winner of the "Digital Hromada" contest held by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. We received the software provided to us by Global GIS, and with this we can have a database for records of all lands, which are located on the territory of the hromada ... This allows to create a record of all land plots and to have information on each piece of land. Also, in this programme one can use aspects of the architectural and construction cadastre and various networks that pass through the territory of the hromada. It also can be used in the agriculture. This will allow us to cooperate better with investors," said Ruslan Maystruk.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


12.09.2018 - 09:52 | Views: 8129
Tetiivska AH is implementing “Digital Hromada” project

Attached images:


Київська область


Тетіївська міська об’єднана територіальна громада



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