Dmytro Fedorov “…СEC has simply crossed us up”

Dmytro Fedorov, Novyi Bilous village head, initiator of formation of the Novobilouska AH of the Chernihiv Oblast, told about non-appointment of local elections and situation in the hromada.

“I became a village head only in June last year – after the early elections. I immediately initiated amalgamation, by the way, only in accordance with the Perspective Plan. A month ago, the oblast administration appealed to the CEC with request to hold elections, but everything stalled. And we appeared in a deadlock.

What do I mean? The cost of energy sources is growing rapidly, therefore, costs increase, and, most importantly, powers increase as well. And there is no money to execute these powers. The richest villages of the rayon have already formed an AH, taking a significant part of the funds from the rayon state administration. And now the RSA presents us with a challenge: “If you want to keep your school, pay extra for its maintenance”.

Another point: the AH has the right to dispose of land outside its settlements. And I have no idea what is going on in these lands, to whom it is allocated by the StateGeoCadastre, who uses the land plots.

The next moment. Almost every day I hear the same question: “When will this amalgamation happen? You promised a year ago! Where are the repaired roads? Where is the street lighting? Should I now tell everyone that the CEC has simply crossed us up?”

I understand that I have no way back. If the elections are not scheduled, I will try to increase the hromada by negotiating with those village councils that are currently not eager to join us. What else should I do?”

Dmytro Fedorov hopes that the elections in their hromada will soon be appointed, because everyone has to comply with the law.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


elections CEC Dmytro Fedorov


Чернігівська область


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