The EGOV4UKRAINE project supports the development of a modern information system for Administrative Services Centres (ASCs) in Ukraine, which will increase the centers' work speed tenfold. The system named Vulyk will be installed in ten pilot ASCs by October 2018 and will be launched in more than 400 ASCs across Ukraine by the end of the year 2020.
“The information system Vulyk differs from others as it has access to public registries and online data exchange via the “Trembita” system. This will allow speeding up the provision of administrative services to citizens and legal entities tenfold,” EGOV4UKRAINE Project Leader Mari Pedak said.
The development of this system began in March 2018. In a few months it will be launched in pilot ASCs, which have been recently selected through open tenders:
The information system Vulyk will improve the availability and quality of administrative services of ASCs and ensures reliable storage and protection of information. It will speed up the work of the centers' administrators by providing electronic document management and access to data in state registries. Vulyk is developed as a cloud solution. This will allow getting technical support remotely and quickly without recruiting local IT specialists.
Joining Vulyk is voluntary and free of charge for ASCs for the duration of the project until 2020. Priority will be given to newly created communities and small ASCs that cannot afford big investments in IT systems and IT professionals.
A Ukrainian IT company SoftXpansion was chosen to develop this system by an open tender, which was held in early February 2018.
Background information:
The EGOV4UKRAINE project (“Support for E-Governance Decentralization in Ukraine”) is part of the Ukrainian decentralisation support programme U-LEAD with Europe, which runs from 2016 until 2020. It is financed by the EU and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden. The amount of assistance is EUR 102 million.
EGOV4UKRAINE aims to improve the public service provision in Ukrainian local governments by developing and launching the data exchange system Trembita and the information system Vulyk for ASCs. By the end of the project, ASCs are expected to be able to provide all together hundreds of administrative services in the centres, also there will be available services in online.
Soft Xpansion Ukraine is one of Ukraine's leading companies developing and implementing complex customised document management systems, electronic archive systems, portal solutions.
Administrative Service Centres are government agencies providing various administrative services on the principles of “one-stop-shop” and “transparent office”.
Attached images:
Administrative services EGOV4UKRAINE
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