The Programme seeks dedicated technical maintenance as well as the further development and improvement of the IT platform used for its programme monitoring. We would like to receive expressions of interest from companies, consortia and/or individuals capable of delivering the assignment to provide a profile of their qualifications, resources, and references to previously delivered projects of a similar nature. No price information is requested at this stage, as this Request for Expressions of Interest is not a solicitation. Replying to it does not guarantee that a service provider will be invited to any solicitation by GIZ.
Starting in 2017, the U-LEAD with Europe Programme has tailored a monitoring system, using the best collection of IT tools available. The web-based system developed to date is capable of collecting, storing and analysing data for programme monitoring. The IT platform is still in final stages of its overall development. The technology stack used for its development is as follows:
As of 1 August 2018, Programme intends to hand over the technical maintenance for the IT platform to a local IT service provider, for which a 12 month contract shall be established after formal tendering process. Key tasks of the contract shall be (1) maintaining the delivered IT platform with dedicated support and (2) further developing/improving elements of the IT platform’s various tools. Complete details of the requirements shall be included in the tender documents.
At the moment, the Programme would like to receive expressions of interest from companies, consortia and/or individuals that are capable to provide dedicated support and development services for systems as described above. In order to be considered for invitation to tender the service provider should meet at least these requirements:
Interested providers should send the following information to by 18 May 2018 to receive invitation to the tender: (1) brief information on the service provider as an entity (legal and organizational); (2) an overview of technical qualifications; (3) a profile of the company’s resources (e.g. permanent staff members) relevant to the requirements and criteria described above; (4) referral relevant work experience(s) accompanied by URLs to completed projects with similar requirements.
No price information is requested at this stage. This Request for Expressions of Interest is not a solicitation, and replying to it does not guarantee that a service provider will be invited to any solicitation by GIZ. No further details of the planned solicitation will be made available to vendors prior to the issuance of tender documents. In the event of a tender for the subject matter described herein, any Request for Proposal and any subsequent purchase order or contract will be issued in accordance with GIZ GmbH rules and procedures.
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