ANNOUNCEMENT! All-Ukrainian Programme for Promoting Energy Efficiency in Amalgamated Hromadas of Ukraine
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Office in Ukraine, “Enerhiyna Krayina“ NGO and the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine invite to participate in the Programme for Energy Efficiency Promotion in Amalgamated Hromadas of Ukraine.
Within the framework of the Programme, in the course of 2018, practical workshops will be held with the participation of well-known energy efficiency experts and new energy-efficient projects and programmes will be initiated in 9 AHs of Ukraine.
We invite you to a workshop, held on 14 May 2018 in Terebovlya city (Ternopil Oblast).
The workshop agenda includes:
- Technical and economic substantiation of energy saving projects
- Technical and organisational tools for implementing energy efficiency projects
- Government support tools.
- Attraction of international material and technical assistance
- Energy efficiency programmes for local councils and amalgamated hromadas.
The task of the workshop is to inform about examples of implementation of energy efficiency measures and to establish an integrated approach to energy efficiency:
- help develop and implement local funding programmes, energy management principles,
- assist in the implementation of the existing tools provided by the state ("warm" loans, use of the Energy Efficiency Fund);
- involve non-state funds and technical assistance.
To register it is necessary to send a letter with the names, contact details and positions of the participants at the e-mail addresses and by 7 May.
For any questions regarding participation, partnership and additional information, please contact the organisers:
NGO “Enerhiyna Krayina”
Contact person: VIKTORIYA Hodik
tel.: 093 768 05 41, e-mail:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Office in Ukraine
Contact person: MARIIA Koval
tel.: 044 234 00 38, e-mail:

Тернопільська областьSource:
ГО «Енергійна країна»

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