Swiss-Ukrainian project "Decentralisation Support in Ukraine" (DESPRO) announces a competitive selection of trainers for the development and implementation of training modules within the DESPRO School of Local Self-Government for representatives of amalgamated hromadas from different oblasts of Ukraine.
Applications must be compiled in Ukrainian in accordance with the Terms of Reference (Annex 1) and sent by 25 May 2018 at 23.59 Kyiv time to the e-mail address:
Please, indicate “Proposal for the competition on the development of the training module “name of the selected topic” in the subject of the message.
The application must consist of 1 archive file (only *.zip format), which includes:
The archive file must be attached to the e-mail mesage.
If you have any questions, please contact DESPRO project expert Maryna Bryl at the tel. +38 (044) 270 55 21.
Announcement of results ― no later than 25 June 2018
For reference:
The DESPRO School of Local Self-Government is a comprehensive training programme, launched in 2014 and conducted once a year by the DESPRO project. The purpose of the School is to form a critical mass of leaders, who understand the essence and prospects of the reforms, who are ready to make changes on the ground and are able to disseminate the acquired knowledge. Participants of the DESPRO School include the AH teams, consisting of representatives of local self-government bodies, non-governmental organisations, business structures.
Details on the DESPRO School and terms of training
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