AHs have more opportunities for development of education than rayons, - expert says

Having left the "care" of rayons, the AHs obtained an opportunity to efficiently develop education in their territory. This was told by Iryna Kohut, expert of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme in the Ukrainian Radio programme "Modern Hromada". According to her, after the amalgamation, the hromada manages all schools and kindergartens in its territory. It has authority, attracts resources and is responsible for this. "Hromadas determine how to provide educational services to children living in their territory. For this purpose, AHs form a training network: they open, broaden their kindergartens, schools, increase or decrease their level of degree, organise trips for pupils, equip classes, and so on. In addition, the hromada appoints principals of schools and kindergartens. Thus, residents through their elected local authorities can influence the quality of education in their hromada," she explained. In order to have that, according to the expert, AH creates its own educational department, which allows you to reload the entire education management system in the hromada. "The hromada itself will determine how many employees in the educational department they need to have and what they will be responsible for. In small hromadas, the whole department may not be needed, there may be only a deputy head for education and accounting, which shall be responsible for the entire humanitarian sphere, " Iryna Kohut said.

The full version and voice record of the program is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE






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