Equipment for New Ukrainian School: UAH 1 billion of state subvention and co-financing from hromadas

UAH 1 billion 385.2 million of subvention is envisaged in the 2018 budget for the New Ukrainian School, of which UAH 998.7 million will be used for primary school equipment, and UAH 386.5 million – to train primary school teachers. The resolution regulating the distribution of these funds and their use has been adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine today, on 4 April 2018, in the premises of the Government Building.

"On 1 September 2018, all first-year pupils will come to the New Ukrainian School. Most importantly, these children will be taught in accordance with a new primary school standard and will receive a qualitatively new content of education. However, in order to fully implement this project, in addition to teacher training, it is also necessary to create a necessary educational environment. That is why this resolution is an unprecedented step, as it is for the first time in Ukraine's history that such a sum of money is directed to the primary school. And the primary school is the basis for the whole further development of a child, his/her perception and attitude towards education," said Liliya Hrynevych, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The most important thing determined by the resolution is the way the part of subvention in the amount of UAH 998.7 million, foreseen for the purchase of equipment, will be used. Thus, it is planned that:

  • 40% of this money will be spent on the purchase of teaching materials for the 1st grade. The distribution of funds between oblasts will be based on the number of primary school classes in the oblast.
  • 40% of the funds will be spent on the purchase of modern furniture for primary school children. Allocation between the oblasts will be based on the number of pupils of 1st 4th grades in a particular area.
  • 20% of the subvention should be used for the purchase of computer equipment for primary classes of the New Ukrainian School. Distribution of funds will be based on the number of institutions with a primary school.

Traditionally, the state funding will be provided to local self-government bodies on the basis of co-financing:

  • 70/30 – for schools in the cities of oblast significance. That is, the relevant local authorities must additionally finance at least 30% of the cost of equipment.
  • 90/10 – for schools in rayons and AHs. Therefore, the relevant local authorities must co-finance at least 10% of the equipment cost.
  • 95/5 – for schools in mountainous areas and those located on the collision line. That is, the relevant local authorities must co-finance at least a symbolic 5% of the cost of equipment.

"We understand that the money allocated from the budget will not suffice for all schools in Ukraine. Therefore, we expect that the local authorities, whose powers directly entail the creation of appropriate studying conditions, will become our partners in creating a new educational space. We do not expect local authorities to finance everything, we only hope that they will fulfill their obligations and will co-finance the lower part of the cost that we ask to be funded," the Minister noted.


05.04.2018 - 10:10 | Views: 23834
Equipment for New Ukrainian School: UAH 1 billion of state subvention and co-financing from hromadas


L.Hrynevych education New Ukrainian School


Міністерство освіти і науки України

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