How should hromada write its letter of interest in participation in Child and Youth Friendly Community Initiative? - UNICEF’s explanations

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) provided recommendations on interest letters of hromadas wishing to participate in the Child and Youth Friendly Community programme.

  1. Letters are addressed to Mrs. Giovanna Barberis, Head of the UNICEF Representative Office in Ukraine.
  2. The original letter must be sent to 28, Instytutska street, 01021, Kyiv. An electronic copy – to The deadline for filing applications is 15 April 2018.
  3. Letters signed by the head of hromada.
  4. Preparation of letters jointly with civil society organisations is encouraged, but not obligatory.
  5. Letter sample is not previewed, though the following is recommended to be included in the letter:
  • a brief description of activities in social or other sectors aimed at children and youth (including the most vulnerable groups) implemented in the hromada over the past 2-3 years. If the text exceeds three paragraphs, such information may be set out in the annexes to the letter;
  • a brief description of the implemented measures aimed at increasing the participation of children and young people in hromada’s decision-making process (if any);
  • a description of the hromada's vision of its further development in the field of children and youth (including the most vulnerable groups).

As reported earlier, in order to join the Child and youth Friendly Community Initiative, launched by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), local councils should make a relevant decision, send a letter of interest to the Fund and sign a memorandum with it in April.

It should be noted, that last week Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said that Ukraine had joined the Child and Youth Friendly Community Initiative: the Government of Ukraine, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and partners of the initiative signed a memorandum. The initiative has been operating since 1996 and has attracted municipalities from over 30 countries of the world on all continents.

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03.04.2018 - 12:26 | Views: 21586
How should hromada  write its letter of interest in participation in Child and Youth Friendly Community Initiative? - UNICEF’s explanations


youth Hromada, druzhnia do ditei ta molodi


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