How youth centre “Novi Kryla” helps to develop hromada

The centre was created in the small town of Novovolynsk (Volyn Oblast) in 2015. It is a small border town with a bunch of problems primarily concerning the so-called “brain drain” from the region. When young activists started implementing their idea, it was difficult to gather even 5-10 people for some training or campaign.

Now, various events take place every week, and this year the work of the youth centre has become one of the dozen winners of the All-Ukrainian competition “Best Practices of Youth Activity in Ukraine-2017”.

Youth resource centre “Novi Kryla” (“New Wings”) was founded by only two friends. Today, the permanent team of the Centre comprises 25 members and 40 volunteers.

The largest projects:

Charity Christmas Ball (fundraising campaign to provide necessary assistance to children with special needs).

Verse parkway” (walkway of the central park was decorated with verses of the authors of different eras and years).

“Useful signs” (introduction of motivational “road signs”).

Novovolynsk Open-Air Community Meeting and Performance Space (joint project with the US Peace Corps).

Art Yard” (old abandoned dance floor in the park was transformed into an open space for youth).

“Youth is a driving force of change in the hromada” (involvement of young people in active participation in hromada life).

Zone of creativity (creation of a space for comfortable rest of students and conducting various non-standard lectures and meetings).

SeloHub (is aimed at creating a youth platform in the village of Lezhnytsia on the basis of the village club).

Offline DO ITspace (promotion of live communication through the use of board games, organisation of tournaments and English speaking club for all town residents).

Today, each of the projects and events of the youth centre “Novi Kryla” gathers from 50 to 300 participants who join the organisation process or help in various ways to carry out events.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

27.02.2018 - 09:49 | Views: 24613

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youth sport


Волинська область
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