10 candidates for youth capital of Ukraine-2018 identified

On 8 February, a regular meeting of the Supervisory Board of the National Competition “Youth Capital of Ukraine” took place and 10 finalists were selected.

The list of these cities includes:

  1. Dnipro 
  2. Vinnytsya 
  3. Ivano-Frankivsk 
  4. Kamyanets-Podilskyi
  5. Kremenchuk 
  6. Lutsk 
  7. Lviv 
  8. Rivne 
  9. Ternopil 
  10. Kharkiv

Representatives of these cities will be able to take part in a public meeting of the Supervisory Board, where the winning city will be selected. This event will be held on 16 February at 14.30 in the premises of the “HUB 4.0” space at the following address: 1/3, Yaroslavskyi lane, Kyiv.

Representatives of the city authorities and youth (up to 3 people) are invited to the meeting with the opportunity to make a presentation on why their city should become the Youth Capital of Ukraine in 2018.

All interested persons will be able to follow the meeting of the Supervisory Board online on the official site of the contest youthcapital.org.ua.

Map of the cities participating in the competition in 2018: 




Молодіжна ініціатива

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