An informational visit of representatives of the Chernivtsi Local Government Development Centre to the newly established Ostrytska AH took place on 12 December. The main purpose of the visit was to consult on the formation of own budget for 2018.
Dmytro Prokopets, local finance adviser of the Chernivtsi LGDC, stressed the following: “From the new year, your hromada will form the budget in accordance with the programme-targeted method. For the Ostrytska hromada as well as for the others, it will mean that you plan your budget based on the efficiency indicators and quality of of your fund managers’ work.” The preparation of budget requests as the basis for the formation of budget programme passports was discussed as well.
An important aspect emphasised by both Dmytro Prokopets and Tetyana Tatarchuk, director of the Chernivtsi LGDC, was the formation of the draft budget and its approval by the end of the current year: “The key point in this process is to establish a working group, that will identify those responsible for each direction, clear tasks and timing for their implementation. Therefore, here you need specific department employees – in the field of education, sports, etc., who will collect the data. And then your financiers will introduce it all in the budget requests,” summed up the local finance adviser.
Tetyana Tatarchuk pointed out the importance of hromada participation in national and international projects on attraction of investment funds for AH development: “It is also essential to effectively allocate funds already guaranteed by the state to hromadas in the form of subventions. One of the tools is to hold public hearings in the first stage, where citizens can tell what they need most – somewhere it may be lighting, somewhere – a road, kindergarten or school.”
“First of all, the hromada is to hold inventory of land resources for its efficient use,” said Roman Romanko, spatial planning adviser at the Chernivtsi LGDC.
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Чернівецька областьГромади:
Острицька сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Острицька територіальна громадаSource:
Чернівецький Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування
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