The MinRegion Commission has already agreed on 1988 infrastructure projects of 366 amalgamated hromadas. These projects and programs are implemented in hromadas at the expense of the corresponding state subvention. Most of them are already being implemented in the cities and villages of AHs, and should be accomplished by the end of this year.
UAH 9.6 million remain unallocated between hromadas’ projects, which is less than 1% of the planned 2017 subvention for the development of AH infrastructure. Projects’ submission and review continues.
As reported, the state provides support to amalgamated hromadas, particularly in terms of restoring and developing the infrastructure of their territories. For this purpose, the 2017 State Budget envisaged UAH 1.5 billion. These funds will target infrastructure development of 366 amalgamated hromadas established in 2015-2016.
The issue of the state budget subvention provision to local budgets for the formation of infrastructure of amalgamated hromadas was regulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 200 dated 16 March 2016.
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