The newly established local fire-fighting team was presented in Svyatovasylivska amalgamated hromada on 23 November. Oleksandr Shcherbachenko, head of the Department of Prevention of Emergency Situations of the State Service for Emergency Situations, Oleh Kuzhman, first deputy head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration, task force of the oblast rescue service, headed by the head of the main directorate Andriy Kulbach, head of the hromada, local administration and residents of the village participated in the celebration of the Centre’s opening.
“I am very pleased that the Svyatovasylivska hromada has not only found strength to build a new fire station, but has also taken responsibility for the safety of the local population. On behalf of the Service I would like to congratulate you on today's festive occasion and wish you to have less emergency situations in your area,” said Oleksandr Shcherbachenko.
He also added that this year there have been over 78 000 fire accidents in Ukraine, and that they continue occurring every single day. Oleh Kuzhman, first deputy head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration, noted in his turn that the opening of the Centre is an investment in the safety of the amalgamated hromada, saved lives and property of its residents.
14 people will serve at the new fire station provided with comfort work conditions, new premises and modern garage for fire engines. The fire-fighters are armed with a ZIL car and a bucket tractor that will assist in liquidation of consequences of difficult weather conditions in winter.
As far as the state fire station is located far from Svyatovasylivka village, the local fire-fighting crew will save people in case of fire and will allow to respond to emergency events both in this village, and in the nearest settlements of the rayon.
State Emergency Service (SES) safety Safety Centres
Дніпропетровська областьГромади:
Святовасилівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Святовасилівська територіальна громадаSource:
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