The amalgamated communities have boosted to some extent the preparation of applications for projects which may be funded for the account of government grant allocated for the development of infrastructure in the ATCs. On 29 July, the Commission at the Ministry of Regional Development reviewed 229 applications filed by 48 communities from 17 Oblasts (Regions) of Ukraine.
It was so reported by Chairman of the Commission, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Viacheslav Nehoda.
"During the recent week, the number of applications submitted to the Commission for review was twice as much as a week before. Once more, I focus the attention of the communities on the fact that they cannot postpone this work. The funds of the government grant for infrastructure development in communities allocated for 2017 may be spent in this year only. And there is not much time left", Viacheslav Nehoda said.
The results of the Commission meeting were as follows: 205 applications for projects for the total amount of UAH 185.7 million were approved. The remaining applications were sent to the communities for improvement.
The First Deputy Minister emphasised the importance of competent preparation of such documents to be filed with the Commission at the Ministry of Regional Development, noting that they should take into account all requirements of the regulatory framework governing the use of government grant for infrastructure.
Also, Viacheslav Nehoda refuted rumours that the Commission allegedly demanded that the Oblasts delegate their representatives to take part in its meetings.
"Oblast State Administrations only provide their opinion on each application, which opinion is then submitted to the Commission for review. Therefore, there is no need that representatives of local administrations or communities take part in the meetings of the Commission. And the Commission never demanded that. That was never required, is not required, and may not be required. In the Ministry, competent experts are assigned to each Oblast who, when requested, provide professional advice relating to the procedure for preparation of project applications", the First Deputy Minister said.
It is a reminder that, at its previous meetings, the Commission approved 119 applications for projects aimed at the development of infrastructure in the ATCs in the total amount of UAH 118 million.
As it was reported, the state provides assistance to the amalgamated territorial communities, specifically, in the matters of reconstruction and development of infrastructure in their territories. For this purpose, the 2017 State Budget provides for UAH 1.5 billion. Those funds will be channelled for the development of infrastructure in the 366 amalgamated communities established in 2015-2016.
The matter providing the government grant from the state budget to local budgets for the formation of infrastructure in the amalgamated communities is regulated by Resolution No. 200 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, dated 16 March 2016.
the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine
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