PM: Decentralization reform has proven that it can change the quality of life in the country

Decentralization of power is one of the reforms aimed at effective solution of specific problems of each person that has already proved its effectiveness. Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman said in his opening statement during the Forum of Consolidated Communities on Thursday.

"This is almost the country's most efficient reform that has a clear beginning, interim results and a systemic success. This success depends on you. The fate of those people who elect you depends on you", said the Head of Government in his address to the heads of consolidated territorial communities.

"When we launched the reform, they wondered what decentralization means, what the local government reform means? Now we can explain - it's a new way, better infrastructure, new school buses, a new school or kindergarten, a new venture. It implies the absence of the need for each of you to get to the district centre or regional centre. This implies a perfect control system and distribution of financial resources for each Ukrainian, that is what decentralization means", explained Volodymyr Groysman at the beginning of the Forum.

"This is one of the reforms that is human-centred - we put an emphasis on specific needs of each particular person", he added.

The Prime Minister noted that he was one of the initiators of the reform of local governance and power decentralization. According to him, he came to the central government in 2014, because "he really wanted to trigger the country’s development."

"The development of the country is impossible in the Government offices in Kyiv, regional, district state administration. It is important to ensure all necessary tools created in each particular community so that people could feel that they can bring about change in their lives, hence the Government creates conditions and delegate you the authority and resources", explained the Head of Government to the participants of the Forum.

He reminded that among the achievements are adoption on 1 April 2014 of the Concept of reforming of local government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine, approval in 2015 of the Law of Ukraine On Voluntary Association of Territorial Communities, launch of financial decentralization.

Thus, there was formed the required minimum regulatory framework stipulating for the delegation of powers to the communities, created an instrument enabling them to amalgamate and become stronger, get larger resource.

The decentralization reform was aimed at "creating proper conditions for everyone" to enable communities to consolidate in order to become strong, to create a high-quality education, healthcare, local environment, to trigger development of the local economy and create jobs. "Today it is a reality", stressed Volodymyr Groysman.

Therefore, by now there have amalgamated hundreds of local communities, noted the Head of Government. He accentuated that those who demonstrated leading positions in the consolidation process, would be the leaders of economic growth all around the country.

"These areas will have capable communities, they will have a larger financial resource, they will have a better investment climate, more workplaces, they can obtain more funds to the local budget, they will be able to reinvest it in the quality of life," he summed up.





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