The Government intends to intensify the decentralization reform and local government in the country and is planning to introduce a number of tools the following year to ensure the continued growth of local budgets. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during the Forum of Consolidated Communities "Decentralization: New Opportunities" on Thursday.
"You have the Government’s support. I want to assure you that everything depending on me, as Prime Minister, and the Government, will be done to reinforce the reform of power decentralization, to strengthen local governance", said the Prime Minister to the members of the consolidated communities present at the Forum.
"It's important for us to build a system that will give everyone the right and opportunities for development," he said.
For the following year it was budgeted UAH 9 billion as additional resources to support regional development. Apart from that, the Government has first established the State Regional Development Fund as an automatic mechanism. In addition, the system of financial decentralization has been preserved.
In this context, Volodymyr Groysman noted that local budgets for the past two years had grown by 50% or more. The following year, the Government forecasts an inflow in their revenues by 25% more.
Throughout 11 months of the current year the revenues of local budgets have upped by over UAH 44 billion, he stressed.
"When I see that before territorial communities amalgamated the budget of such a community per capita was UAH 600, and today it makes up UAH 2 thousand, I say it is very good that the budgets have grown. But there's good news: this is just the beginning. Further there will be more resources, more opportunities and more advantages. But all these depend on the serious, systematic work", urged the Head of Government.
Speaking of directions to use additional resources, the Prime Minister noted that the current objective was in particular creating of efficient healthcare and education systems.
"We must stop playing populism but, instead, establish an advanced Ukrainian school, ensure competitiveness of every child who attends secondary school, provide with knowledge and abilities to be successful. Your leadership here is crucial," emphasized Volodymyr Groysman.
The Prime Minister thanked the leaders of the consolidated territorial communities for the courage to assume responsibility and encouraged to keep the lead and prolong changes that would make their success a reality.
"As long as I'm Prime Minister, as long as decisions of the Government depend on me, I will not let anyone to destroy the system of power decentralization", stressed Volodymyr Groysman.
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