The Government approved another draft law on the way to local self-government

Another step towards implementation of local self-governance reform has been made today. During the Government’s session the draft law “On Voluntary Unification of Territorial Communities” has been approved.

The purpose of adoption of this Law is to create legislative pre-conditions for voluntary formation of capable, self-sustaining territorial communities, followed by allocation of respective material and financial resources to them, as provided by the Concept of the reform of local self-government and territorial organization of authority. This, in turn, will create an opportunity to improve the quality of administrative, social, civil services, provided to territorial community residents.

“If we want territorial communities to be able to resolve local-level issues, we must realize that a very huge number of these communities are small territorial communities; many of them do not have executive bodies under councils, there are no budgetary establishments. Do such communities have a chance for development? In order to get such a chance, they need to “grow muscle”, get bigger, join forces and resources, and resolve the issues of local significance together. We are supporters of evolutionary, and not revolutionary, growth of communities. That is why we created a draft law to provide the basis, allowing communities to unite solely on voluntary basis”, Volodymyr Groysman commented.

He added, that some time ago the Government presented another draft law to Verkhovne Rada of Ukraine – the draft law “On Cooperation of Territorial Communities”. Adoption of this law will allow communities to sign agreements, creat joint governmental bodies, and resolve these or that issues.

“Presently, we already have two completed draft laws, which will allow to reform local self-government without waiting for changes to be introduced into the Constitution of Ukraine. We hope that the parliament understands the importance of these draft laws, and that it will adopt them as soon as possible. As soon as they are adopted, we will be able to start implementation of pilot projects on formation of proactive communities, as provided by the concept”, Volodymyr Groysman said.

Earlier Vice Prime Minister – the Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services, Volodymyr Groysman, stated, that in 2014 the preparation or the legislative basis,needed for for implementation of authority decentralization and local self-government reform, had to be completed.

11.06.2014 - 15:46 | Views: 16160

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