The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the procedure for using grant funds to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings. The program provides for financing the modernization of municipal healthcare facilities with funds from the European Investment Bank and international grants NIP na E5P. The goal is to reduce energy costs to increase the energy independence and autonomy of hospitals.
Local governments that are already participants in the "Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings" credit program can receive funding. Grant funds will be allocated as co-financing of a credit project, which will reduce the debt burden of communities. Co-financing from grant funds is up to 50%, but not more than 300 thousand euros per institution. The selection of projects is carried out by the Ministry of Development, which also monitors their implementation.
How to apply and receive funds?
The program is expected to help reduce electricity costs, create more comfortable conditions in hospitals, and improve the efficiency of municipal resource management. Applications will be accepted from mid-March. Detailed information will be published on the Ministry of Development website before the start of applications.
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