On May 21-22, 2025, Warsaw will host the Europe Civil Security international forum dedicated to up-to-date security challenges.
Global challenges require new approaches, and cooperation, support and international interaction are key elements for creating a secure future and the key to our common victory.
Europe Civil Security is an opportunity for European countries to learn more about the unique Ukrainian experience and jointly develop effective mechanisms for responding to up-to-date threats.
Two days of communication with industry experts, representatives of communities and authorities
Panel discussions on civil protection, fire safety, monitoring and warning systems, emergency response, and the role of international funds and public associations in implementing security projects in communities.
Successful cases of security projects in Ukraine.
Exposition of advanced security solutions from global market leaders and Ukrainian manufacturers.
The event is organized by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in partnership with the All-Ukrainian association of local self-governments «Association of amalgamated territorial communities» within the framework of a project supported by the European Commission under the European Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM).
With the participation of the Civil Protection Services of EU member states, the Association of Local Governments of EU countries, international donors and partners
Dates: May 21-22, 2025
Details and registration: https://eucivilsecurity.ticketforevent.com
For participation:
+38 (063) 300-79-14 (for participation on exposition)
+38 (063) 221-06-94 (for participation on forum)
+38 (066) 763-70-54 (for visitors)
EU’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@eu_echo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/eu_echo
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/eu_echo
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/HumanitarianAidECHO
Blog: https://civil-protection-humanitarian-aid.ec.europa.eu/...
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