Government approves 2025 Plan of Priority Actions: What are the tasks in regional development and decentralisation

On 18 February, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the 2025 Government Plan of Priority Actions, with nearly 400 steps in the respective areas of responsibility of all ministries and agencies. As for regional development and decentralisation, the Government plans to work on delineating the powers of local governments and executive authorities, regulate the procedure for restoring public authorities in the de-occupied territories, approve the procedure for the DREAM system, and conduct research on the possibility of granting communities the status of a legal entity.

The section “Regional Development and Decentralisation” outlines five steps:

  1. February – adoption of the Cabinet of Minister’s Act on approving an action plan for the implementation of the State Strategy for Regional Development for 2021–2027.
  2. June – adoption of a resolution on the approval of the procedure for the functioning of the Digital Restoration EcoSystem for Accountable Management DREAM.
  3. June – conducting a study on the possibility to grant territorial communities the status of a legal entity.
  4. September – submission to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of a draft law on delineating the powers of local governments of different levels, local governments and executive authorities on the principle of subsidiarity.
  5. September – submission to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of a draft law on regulation of the procedure for the restoration and peculiarities of the exercise of public authority in the de-occupied territories and the territories where military administrations have been established.

These initiatives are aimed to develop capable and effective local self-government, introduce digital technologies for restoration, improve the accessibility of public services, and contribute to the economic development of the regions.

18.02.2025 - 12:41 | Views: 2208
Government approves 2025 Plan of Priority Actions: What are the tasks in regional development and decentralisation




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