The Snovska community of the Chernihiv Oblast: four secrets of success

This is the Snovska community on the border of the Chernihiv Oblast.

This corner of the Ukrainian Polissya contains as many as 27 protected areas! And the local river Snov is considered one of the cleanest in Europe! So that guests could admire the region not only from the train, the residents of Snovsk decided to equip a modern kayak station.

However, the war interfered with the community's plans. For 36 hard days the community was under occupation. And even after the liberation, the frontier villages live under constant shelling. The ordeal of occupation did not break the community. However, all plans and projects had to be adjusted to the realities of the war in the country.

How did the community that survived the occupation manage to get back to implementing its plans? And why is it so important to support youth initiatives?

Watch the new video to learn about the four secrets of the resilience of the Snovska community



The video was created in partnership with ShoTam? and commissioned by Ukraine Crisis Media Center under the USAID DOBRE Program. The series of videos explains how communities can earn money and make the most of their opportunities.


war stories


Чернігівська область


Сновська територіальна громада


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