New training "Skills of specialists in a modern ASC" for hromadas of Cherkasy Oblast

On April 18-19, the team of the Swedish-Ukrainian project PROSTO “Support to Services Accessibility in Ukraine” project’ team conducted a new training "Skills of specialist in a modern ASC" in Cherkasy, which was attended by 40 ASC employees from 27 hromadas of Cherkasy Oblast.

The training is aimed at improving the skills of ASC specialists who have been working in the position for no more than a year, and specialists who need to update their knowledge. During the two days training the participants learned about  different aspects of work, such as the peculiarities of the legal status and authority of the ASC administrator, components of effective service provision in the hromada, additional functions and services in the ASC.

Marina Royko and Alla Kovalchuk, heads of the ASC in Zdolbuniv and Novovolynsk hromadas, have shared their experience in integrating and organizing the provision of services for veterans and their families in the ASC, as well as administrative social services provision.

The event was held in partnership with the Cherkasy Oblast Military Administration.

- Last year, the ASCs of our oblast provided 600,000 services, - said Olexander Turchenyak, First Deputy Chairman of the Cherkasy Oblast Military Administration, during the welcoming speech - Together with our partners, we are working to expand the range of administrative services for our residents. Currently, all 66 territorial hromadas have ASCs. In total, there are 193 access points to administrative services in the oblast.

Separate sessions of the new training are devoted to the rules and techniques of effective communication, mechanisms for conflict prevention and management, methods for psychological recovery, tools for informing residents about the services of the ASC, as well as the gender component in the work of the ASC – the system and tools for determining the needs of hromada residents.   


19.04.2024 - 18:43 | Views: 12703
New training "Skills of specialists in a modern ASC" for hromadas of Cherkasy Oblast

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Administrative services


Черкаська область


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