Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, and Hoboken, New Jersey, become Sister Cities

On July 10, 2023, the Ukrainian city of Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia oblast, and the American city  of  Hoboken, New Jersey,  became Sister Cities. The established partnership will promote cultural exchange, knowledge transfer and economic cooperation between the communities of the two cities. The USAID HOVERLA Activity supported communities in establishing partnerships.

" In the past 18 months, the world has seen how important independence and democracy are to the people of Ukraine. This is part of Ukraine’s history. Ukrainian citizens, its men, women and children are paying high prize today as a result of Russian aggression. Today, we celebrate the important occasion, the signing of Sister City Agreement between Melitopol and Hoboken. This agreement represents a significant step forward in cooperation and cultural exchange between these two great cities. As we support democracy and walk hand in hand with Ukraine, we will be proud to see free and independent Melitopol in the future," said the Director of the Office of Democracy and Governance of the USAID Mission to Ukraine Mark Ellingstad.

The focus of the partnership between the cities of Melitopol and Hoboken will be the exchange of culture and knowledge, innovations, and entrepreneurship, as well as economic cooperation.

"This Sister City Agreement is a display of partnership. It represents solidarity and our shared belief that all people should be free, nations should be sovereign, and they should have the ability to exercise self-determination for their future. I would like to express my gratitude to the US State Department, as well as USAID and the HOVERLA Activity, for bringing us together. I also want to thank the people of Hoboken for supporting the efforts of the people of Melitopol during their liberation. This Agreement holds symbolic value as it sends a message to the residents of Melitopol and the entire Ukraine, showing that the City of Hoboken stands with Ukraine and Melitopol, and we hope to see Melitopol regain its freedom," said Hoboken Mayor Ravinden Bhalla.

"The Sister City Agreement is an example of the unity of the countries of the civilized world even at thousands of kilometers. Even though we are on different continents and have different cultures and languages, our points of contact break any boundaries. Small in population, our cities are progressive and attractive to young people. People are the most important value for us; therefore, our goal is to build a comfortable present and future for residents. Even though Melitopol and Ukraine are going through difficult times, we are fighting for tomorrow and are sincerely grateful to our American partners for their support," Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov emphasized.

The Sister Cities agreement between Melitopol and Hoboken will contribute to dynamic and fruitful relations between the two cities and peoples of both countries. 

" The Sister City Agreement will strengthen the bonds between these two communities, which will pave the way for cultural exchange, knowledge transfer, economic activities between Hoboken and Melitopol. USAID HOVERLA Activity will support the communities in implementation of sister city partnership. Our focus will be on knowledge transfer, innovation, best practices, municipal entrepreneurship, and exchanges. I firmly believe that this sister city agreement marks the beginning of a transformative journey towards a brighter future for these two cities," summed up USAID HOVERLA Activity Chief of Party Gabriel Abraham.

12.07.2023 - 09:20 | Views: 2930
Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, and Hoboken, New Jersey, become Sister Cities


partnership international support partnership HOVERLA


Запорізька область


Мелітопольська територіальна громада


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