21,600 applications have already been submitted under the eRecovery program, while only 378 applications have been submitted for payment. According to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, this is an indicator of unsatisfactory local work.
“The government has created all the tools, adopted the necessary resolutions, procedures and documents, created a digital architecture for the entire process. Local heads and commissions should significantly speed up”, — said Prime minister during the government meeting on June 27.
Denys Shmyhal noted that this work should take not months, but weeks, which the government gives to improve the situation.
Also, according to the Prime Minister, the government has approved two orders that will attract funds from the International Bank for recovery and development. We are talking about a soft loan in the amount of 70 million dollars and a grant of 152.5 million dollars for the implementation of the eRecovery program.
“That is, we will be able to spend more than 8 billion hryvnias on restoring the housing of our citizens. Tens of thousands of families will be able to receive funds to repair their own homes affected by Russian terror as soon as possible,” said the Prime Minister.
According to him, recovery should be in the focus of every minister, regional and local head. This is one of the main directions that will be used to evaluate the work.
“We have created the Armed Aggression the Consequences Elimination Fund. This is one of the main sources of funding for recovery. We already have almost 62 billion hryvnias in the fund. The government has allocated 23.5 billion hryvnias for various recovery projects,” the head of government said.
In particular, 4.4 billion hryvnias was allocated for the eRecovery program. 6.6 billion hryvnias – for the recovery of critical infrastructure. 1.5 billion hryvnias – for new water pipelines to provide cities in the South with drinking water. 1 billion hryvnias – for the recovery of damaged and destroyed facilities after the terrorist attack at the Kakhovska HPS.
“Now we see that despite the allocated funds, projects are moving too slowly. Therefore, I repeat once again for all the heads of the central executive bodies and local authorities: recovery is a priority, people are waiting for help!”, said Denys Shmyhal.
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