Berdychiv signed the Cooperation Agreement with the city of Częstochowa

The cities of Berdychiv and Częstochowa, Poland, will cooperate in a number of directions. The agreement on the cooperation of the cities was signed by the Serhii Orliuk, Mayor of Berdychiv, and Krzysztof Matyjaszczyk, President of the Polish City of Częstochowa.

This was announced by the official website of the Berdychiv City Council.

The parties agreed to work together on the development of local self-government institutions and the creation of a favourable climate for the development of social and economic ties.

The Agreement provides for municipal cooperation in the following areas:

  • Education and academia (exchange of students, teachers, youth groups, internships and training aimed at mutual deepening of knowledge and experience, etc.);
  • Culture and art (organisation of exhibitions and cultural events, joint participation of artists in them, etc.);
  • Economy and business (organisation of projects and economic forums, joint participation in the implementation of international projects and grants, etc.);
  • Sports and tourism (organisation of joint conferences, seminars, tourist events, joint participation in sports competitions, etc.);
  • Social care (exchange of best practices in the field of social infrastructure development, development of new forms of social care, etc.);
  • Self-government and public society (cooperation of NGOs, joint implementation of European projects, etc.).

The document states that the list of areas of cooperation is not exhaustive and may be expanded.

According to Serhii Orliuk, the signing of the Agreement between Berdychiv and Częstochowa is an extremely important event for both sides, as they have been working towards it for three years.

Long before the signing of the Agreement, the two cities had established partnerships in education. In 2021, agreements on mutual understanding and cooperation were concluded by Berdychiv City Humanitarian Gymnasium No. 2 with Primary School No. 24; Berdychiv City Lyceum No. 15 with a complex of economic schools; and Soniashnyk Preschool Educational Institution No. 7 with Częstochowa Municipal Kindergarten No. 37.

As part of the working visit to Częstochowa, the Berdychiv delegation visited partner educational institutions as well as a school with several classes filled exclusively with Ukrainian children. In total, about 1,400 young Ukrainians study in Częstochowa, and the Polish side creates all the necessary conditions for their maximum comfort.


25.05.2023 - 08:43 | Views: 1987
Berdychiv signed the Cooperation Agreement with the city of Częstochowa


partnership international support


Житомирська область


Бердичівська територіальна громада


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