Cross-border cooperation programmes for municipalities

Attracting international funds for territorial development and restoration is of the utmost importance in martial law. The U-LEAD with Europe Programme provides municipalities expert support in preparing project applications and searching for existing international technical support programmes.

Cross-border cooperation is one of the tools for municipal development. Mykola Syusko, head of the U-LEAD with Europe regional office in the Zakarpattia Oblast, is convinced of this. According to him, municipalities in times of war need to find partners for joint applications to cross-border programmes, expand international cooperation and attract additional resources to implement large-scale projects.

The expert has prepared a selection of cross-border cooperation programmes for Ukrainian municipalities to participate in.

Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027 programme


  • Poland: Podlaskie, Lubelskie, Podkarpackie Voivodeships, part of Mazowieckie Voivodeship;

  • Ukraine: Volyn, Lviv, Zakarpattia, Rivne, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk Oblasts.

Programme budget: EUR 187.4 million.

Programme priorities:


  • Objective 1: Promoting climate change adaptation, prevention of risks and enhancing resilience to natural disasters and catastrophes, using ecosystem-based approaches.

  • Objective 2: Promote access to water and sustainable water management.

  • Objective 3: Enhancing environmental protection and preservation, biodiversity of green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution.


  • Target: Ensure equitable access to health care and promote the sustainability of health systems, including primary health care, and facilitate the transition from institutional care to family medicine and municipality-based care.


  • Target: To enhance the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation.


  • Objective 1: To improve the efficiency of public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and interaction between citizens, civil societies and institutions, in particular with a view to removing legal and other obstacles in the cross-border areas.

  • Objective 2: Building mutual trust by supporting measures that promote people-to-people interaction.


  • Target: Secure and better protected Europe

More information about the programme:



Interreg VI-A NEXT Hungary Slovakia Romania Ukraine 2021-2027 programme


  • Hungary: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén.

  • Slovakia: Košice region, Presov region.

  • Romania: Maramures, Satu Mare, Suceava.

  • Ukraine: Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi Oblasts.

Programme budget: EUR 66 million.

Programme priorities:

Sustainable green cross-border region:

  • promoting climate change adaptation, disaster risk prevention, and resilience, based on ecosystem approaches;

  • optimising the environmental protection and preservation, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution.

Healthy cross-border region:

  • ensure equal access to healthcare and develop sustainable healthcare systems (including primary healthcare and support for the transition from institutional to family and municipal care);

  • enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation.

Interconnected cross-border region:

  • improving the efficiency of state and regional governance by facilitating legal and administrative coordination and interaction between citizens, representatives and institutions of the civil society, in particular with a view to removing legal and other obstacles in the cross-border areas.

More information about the programme:


Interreg NEXT Romania-Ukraine programme


  • Romania: Maramures, Satu Mare, Botoshan, Suceava, Tulcea.

  • Ukraine: Odesa, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi Oblasts.

Programme budget: EUR 54 million.

Programme priorities:

Focus on the cross-border environment:

  • Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and sustainability, considering ecosystem-based approaches.

  • Improving the protection and conservation of natural biodiversity, and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution.

Social cross-border development:

  • Improving equitable access to inclusive and quality education, training and lifelong learning services through the development of accessible infrastructure, including by promoting distance and online education.

  • Ensure equitable access to health care and promote the accessibility of health care systems, including primary health care, and facilitate the transition from institutional care to family medicine and municipality-based care.

  • To enhance the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation

Cross-border cooperation:

  • Secure and better protected Europe

More information about the programme:


Danube Transnational programme 2021-2027


  • Ukraine: Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia and Odesa Oblasts.

  • Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia.

Programme budget: EUR 215 million.

Programme priorities:

Smart Danube Region:

  • Strengthening innovation and advanced technologies in the Danube Region.

  • Developing skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship.

Green and low-carbon Danube Region:

  • Promoting renewable energy.

  • Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster management.

  • Improving water and precipitation management.

  • Protecting biodiversity in ecological corridors and ecological areas.

Social Danube Region:

  • Accessible, inclusive and efficient labour markets.

  • Accessible and inclusive quality education, training and lifelong learning services.

  • Social and economic development through heritage, culture and tourism.

Improved territorial and macro-regional governance in the Danube Region:

  • Increased institutional capacity for territorial and macro-regional governance.

More information about the programme:

23.05.2023 - 15:26 | Views: 3357
Cross-border cooperation programmes for municipalities


cross-border cooperation international support


Програма «U-LEAD з Європою»

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