Serhii Boievskyi, Head of the Druzhkivka City Military Administration, and Rudy Marconi, Mayor of Ridgefield, signed the City Twinning Memorandum.
This is reported by the official website of the Druzhkivka City Council.
The twinning was facilitated by Ukraine Aid International NGO and Alex21 Charity Foundation.
“We are grateful to the global community, which extended a helping hand during a difficult time for Ukraine and supports us not just in word, but also in deed. We appreciate your support and will do everything to develop and extend our cooperation,” the statement reads.
Ridgefield became the fourth Connecticut city to twin with a Ukrainian city. Kramatorsk and Stamford twinned in April of this year. Lyman, Donetsk region, and Westport became sister cities in December 2022, and the cities of Sviatohirsk and Easton twinned in March 2023.
With the help of a volunteer fleet of over 25 vehicles, Ukraine Aid International organises the delivery of humanitarian aid to over 100 front-line and liberated settlements.
partnership international support
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