The war showed that only systematic, high-quality communication and consistent interaction between authorities and local self-government at all levels ensure successful resistance to the Russian invasion.
This was stated by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk, at the International Summit of Cities and Regions held at the platform of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine, which took place today in Kyiv.
Mr Stefanchuk started his welcoming address by thanking all the delegates of the Summit for their participation, including numerous international delegations representing the regional authorities of Ukraine’s foreign partners. According to him, the enormous support experienced by Ukraine “is the result not only of the interaction of heads of state, government officials and MPs, but also of numerous sister partnerships between specific municipalities, cities, regions of Ukraine and countries of the entire civilized world”.
He also emphasised that the ideals of local self-government as the main foundation of democracy fundamentally distinguished us from the Russian aggressor.
“Genuine adherence to the principles laid down in the European Charter of Local Self-Government has yielded results. We have seen a stable integrated system of regional authorities and local self-government not only within one country, but as a global community that is ready to support each other in a time of need,” said Ruslan Stefanchuk.
“The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine is the platform where important decisions concerning all spheres of life are jointly discussed and made,” said Mr Stefanchuk.
He centred addressing regional problems, primarily in the territories affected by hostilities, as the focus of the meeting.
“We should not wait for the end of the war to implement important changes in the country. Parliament, like the entire country, makes decisions necessary for our victory. However, the agenda of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine also includes important bills that change the country already today, keep bringing it closer to the European community, increase its resilience and create the background for the development of a modern, democratic Ukraine,” said the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament.
According to him, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is actively developing legislation aimed at reducing the tax burden on the owners of real estate damaged as a result of hostilities or contaminated by explosive ordnance; compensations for damage and destruction of certain categories of real estate as a result of hostilities; implementation of the European Digital Identity laws; reducing the pressure on businesses by exempting them from fire and man-made safety inspections, provided that the business insures its liability; strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights; state support for investment projects with significant investments in Ukraine, etc.
Ruslan Stefanchuk separately highlighted laws that strengthen the capacity of local self-government, namely laws on improving the cooperation of municipalities and on improving service in local self-government bodies.
“This is only part of our joint efforts to build a strong and prosperous Ukraine,” said the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
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