Municipality of Terebovlia twinned with a French municipality

Terebovlia urban municipality and the French municipality of Pont-du-Château signed an agreement on partnership cooperation.

This was announced by the Terebovlia City Council.

“Aware that Ukraine is fighting not only for its freedom, but also for the freedom of European countries, the French city of Pont-du-Château actively participated in Ukraine relief efforts, sending aid shipments and accepting refugees. In order to strengthen and develop friendly relations, the mayor of Terebovlia proposed to enter into a partnership agreement. The mayor of Pont-du-Château, Patrick Perrin, accepted the offer and invited him to come to France to sign the partnership agreement,” said the statement of the Terebovlia City Council.

According to the statement, the sister cities agreed on cooperation in the fields of economic development, agriculture, regional development, science and technology, preventive health care, education, culture and art, tourism, youth policy and sports, social policy, environment and rational use of natural resources.

Oleh Prodan, Mayor of Terebovlia, extended his gratitude to the French people for their support and invited Mayor Patrick Perrin to visit Ukraine and the Terebovlia municipality.

“This agreement will bring our city councils, and thus our peoples, even closer. We know and believe that the war in Ukraine will end with our victory. We will be glad if you will celebrate our victory with us, so we invite you, Mayor Perrin, and your team to visit Terebovlia,” said Mayor Oleh Prodan.




13.04.2023 - 10:14 | Views: 2552
Municipality of Terebovlia twinned with a French municipality

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Тернопільська область


Теребовлянська територіальна громада


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