The funds intended for the purchase of machinery and equipment for municipal institutions will be allocated by the Government of Germany thanks to the cooperation between Chortkiv and a German city.
Chortkiv municipality of Ternopil oblast jointly with the German municipality of Bad-Soden-Salmünster developed the project “Improving Civil Protection in Municipal Partnerships with Ukraine 2023”. For its implementation, the Government of Germany is to allocate EUR 133,000, which is almost UAH 5,400,000.
With these funds, the municipality will be able to choose a variety of utility machinery, equipment for hospitals and utility companies, equipment for school cafeterias, passenger buses, etc.
Chortkiv City Council stated that the municipality of Bad Soden-Salmünster had approved the decision to cooperate with them on March 20. A similar decision will be considered on March 31 at the next meeting in the Chortkiv City Council.
Earlier, Volodymyr Shmatko, Mayor of Chortkiv, and Dominik Brasch, Mayor of Bad Soden-Salmünster, discussed further cooperation and implementation of the project. According to the new partner, two German ministries have chosen 60 local municipalities with sister cities in Ukraine to assist our cities in healthcare, education, housing and utility services, etc. for a total amount of EUR 8,000,000 as part of the project.
“Each municipality will have a budget of EUR 133,000. With these funds, Ukrainian cities will choose what they need most at the moment from the list provided by the German ministries. Consultations are currently ongoing regarding what we will choose,” Chortkiv City Council stated in its statement.
According to Nataliia Onyshchuk, Head of the Regional Office of U-LEAD in the Ternopil oblast, this municipality is among the most active in the Ternopil oblast in the development of international cooperation.
“This is a very important result of the efforts of local self-government, especially in the conditions of the war and given the need to seek additional resources. It is great that the municipality was able to find a partner in Germany and develop a joint project that will bring it a lot of benefits. Hopefully, other municipalities of the oblast will also work in this direction. Our team is here to help them in this,” she said.
international support war stories partnership
Тернопільська областьГромади:
Чортківська територіальна громадаSource:
Програма «U-LEAD з Європою»
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