Earlier, a new Sister City Program was launched between Stamford, Connecticut, and Kramatorsk, Donetsk region. The Programme implemented by Ukraine Aid International is aimed at establishing strong relations between the two cities and providing the necessary aid and support to the people of Kramatorsk.
Ukraine Aid International stated that Stamford and Kramatorsk twinned based on their shared features as regionally important cities with large populations.
“Both cities are known for their bustling economies and have a significant impact on their respective regions. Kramatorsk has a large train station, which is similar to Stamford’s transportation infrastructure. Unfortunately, Kramatorsk’s train station was bombed on April 8, 2022, in the early days of the war, causing the deaths of dozens of civilians who were trying to evacuate the city. This tragic event has highlighted the urgent need for aid and support in Kramatorsk, and we hope that this sister city program will provide some much-needed relief to the affected communities,” reads the website of Ukraine Aid International.
The twinning agreement between Stamford and Kramatorsk was signed online on Thursday, April 6, by Mayor Caroline Simmons and the head of the Kramatorsk City Military Administration, Oleksandr Honcharenko.
Lyman, Donetsk region, and Westport, Connecticut, US, became sister cities in December 2022, and the cities of Sviatohirsk and Easton, Connecticut, twinned in March 2023.
With the help of a volunteer fleet of over 25 vehicles, Ukraine Aid International organises the delivery of humanitarian aid to over 100 front-line and liberated settlements.
partnership international support war stories
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