The municipality of Dashiv, Vinnytsia region, was formed through the amalgamation of 12 village councils. Since the outset of the full-scale invasion of Russia, the population of the municipality has increased significantly as Dashiv sheltered more than 3,000 internally displaced people.
“To create proper living conditions, we continuously cooperate with various foundations and NGOs,” said Svitlana Voichenko, Secretary of the Village Council
The municipality, same as all Ukrainians, faced new challenges — providing electricity and heating to the homes of more than 14,000 residents as well as to educational and public facilities.
“The Dashiv municipality has been cooperating with the U-LEAD with Europe Programme for quite some time. During this time, we managed to implement projects such as the creation of the Administrative Service Centre, where more than 200 services are provided. So this time we turned to this Programme for help yet again.”
According to Svitlana Voichenko, as early as the summer of 2022, the municipality received 2 packages of emergency aid from U-LEAD, Shelter and Lighting, including camping beds, a tent, blankets, hygiene products, water tanks, street lights. And most importantly, generators that provide the municipality with alternative sources of power.
“We never even imagined that this could happen to us, although we did realise that it was war and anything was possible. The Programme was one step ahead by providing this assistance. It turned out to be so valuable and important!”
In particular, the generator ensures the smooth operation of the village council and the Administrative Service Centre. Another generator helps run our Point of Invincibility.
“I also face certain challenges in my work, because when the electricity goes out, gadgets don't work and Internet connection dies, everyone is anxious — children, parents and yours truly. However, thanks to the generator at our Point of Invincibility, I can recharge my gadgets and continue working with children,” said Valentyna Misiats, a primary school teacher at the Dashiv Lyceum.
We have yet another generator in the Centre for provision of Social Services that houses IDPs, people with disabilities and the elderly. According to Yevhenia Bezchesniuk, Acting Director of this municipal institution, the generator ensures round-the-clock hot water, four meals a day and storage of all the food.
“At this difficult time, these people really need help because they belong to the most vulnerable groups of the population that require constant external care. That is why we are very grateful for this generator and so are our beneficiaries.”
To ensure an uninterrupted water supply, one of the generators is installed at the water main, which supplies water to the residents of the Dashiv municipality as well as to the local hospital and school. Svitlana Voichenko, Secretary of the Village Council, believes that it was thanks to the U-LEAD with Europe Programme that the people of Dashiv survived this difficult winter without big hardships.
social services war stories international support
Вінницька областьГромади:
Дашівська територіальна громадаSource:
U-LEAD with Europe
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