Vyshneve municipality won a grant for waterworks repair

U-LEAD experts helped Vyshneve municipality, Dnipropetrovsk region, to prepare a project application that won the grant competition. The municipality will receive UAH 150,000 for waterworks repair. This will ensure water supply to IDPs and the local population.

The Vyshneve Village Council joined the initiative for U-LEAD’s expert support in the project development. This was announced by Olena Tertyshna, Head of the Regional Office of U-LEAD with Europe in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

The Vyshneve municipality has a population of almost 4,700. Since 24 February 2022, more than 700 people have moved here from the areas of ongoing hostilities. Among them are those who have nowhere to return.

The municipality housed part of the internally displaced persons on the premises of a currently non-operational kindergarten. Benefactors are installing shower cabins, while locals are bringing warm clothes and helping with food. The IDPs also take an active part in preparing for winter: they collect firewood, stock up on food, and keep the site tidy.

To ensure proper living conditions, these premises needed running water. For Vyshneve, the issue of water supply in general is a painful one. The old water tower and communications have been acting up almost on a monthly basis. Vyshneve would be left without water for several days in a row due to breakages, and local utility workers were patching pipes over and over. 

During the consultation organised in August by the team of the Regional Office of U-LEAD with Europe in Dnipropetrovsk region, the municipality and experts discussed the possibility of developing a project to repair the waterworks and attracting funding for this initiative.

And already in September, Vyshneve municipality won a UAH 150,000 grant for waterworks repair.

“U-LEAD experts helped us find a competition for our project. Now there is a lot of information about supporting mostly businesses and various initiatives, but we needed a special one. During the consultations, we adjusted the data, amended the explanatory note and discussed the details of the project. Then we filled out the application form. And here we have the results. We plan to replace part of the worn pipes with new ones before winter,” said Inna Kholodetska, Chief of Administration of the Executive Committee of the Vyshneve Village Council.

The project will enable the municipality to provide water to the premises for the internally displaced persons as well as ensure water supply to private houses and social infrastructure facilities.

“Municipalities of Dnipropetrovsk region are motivated for project work, which is a good sign because this is how local self-government shows its capacity to solve problems, which are now much more numerous compared to peacetime. Even a small project can become a big magnet for future plans. And the Vyshniv municipality has them because the grant they won by them with the help of our experts is only part of the big plan for the restoration of the area. Soon we will hear about further achievements of the people of Vyshniv!,” said Olena Tertyshna, head of the Regional Office of U-LEAD with Europe in the Dnipropetrovsk region.


03.10.2022 - 10:52 | Views: 3554
Vyshneve municipality won a grant for waterworks repair


war stories international support


Дніпропетровська область


Вишнівська територіальна громада


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