Oleksii Chernyshov: US aid is extremely important for Ukrainian municipalities

Oleksii Chernyshov, Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, says that the US aid is extremely important for Ukrainian municipalities.

“The United States is implementing numerous projects in Ukraine through USAID. 19 regions are already receiving the necessary equipment to prepare for the winter, including excavators, mobile boiler rooms and generators,” said Oleksii Chernyshov.

The Minister named USAID’s Energy Security Project as one of the support tools. Through this project, the US Government handed over pipes and pipe fittings worth $1.3 million to restore district heating for more than 20,000 residents of Kyiv.

The US Government’s assistance through the USAID Energy Security Project will provide Kyiv’s heating supply company with technical solutions and equipment. This will allow repairing external sections of heating networks and restoring heating and hot water supply, which is critically important in preparation for this heating season. According to Minister Chernyshov, this is only a small fraction of all the support provided by the US Government.

“Synchronising efforts to support municipalities is one of the key tasks in our cooperation with international partners. Coordination, communication and concerted action will significantly strengthen the capacity of municipalities in anticipation of the hardest heating season in the history of Ukraine. US aid is extremely important for Ukrainian municipalities. We are grateful and confident that the fruitful cooperation will continue,” said Oleksii Chernyshov.

The support provided by the US Government through the US Agency for International Development and USAID’s Energy Security Project will enable the rehabilitation of external sections of the heating network, which will help restore heating and hot water supply to six buildings in Kyiv located on Mostytska, Bohatyrska, Svobody, Tatarska, Academician Tupolev and Danylo Scherbakivskyi streets. The heating networks of these streets were damaged as a result of Russia’s military aggression.

“The U.S. government has provided full support from the outset of a full-scale Russian invasion. This support is aimed at ensuring stable electricity and heating supply to homes, hospitals, schools and businesses throughout Ukraine. This assistance also includes today’s delivery of pipes to Kyivteploenergo to restore the heating and hot water supply to more than 22,000 Kyiv residents. We work throughout Ukraine, and our partnerships in 19 regions are aimed at restoring the energy supply infrastructure to provide heating to more than seven million Ukrainians,” said Ms Bridget Brink, US Ambassador to Ukraine.

The Ministry of Communities and Territorial Development and the Energy Security Project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) earlier signed a Memorandum of Understanding and agreed on cooperation in attracting and using international technical assistance to promote and implement district heating reforms.



Attached images:


international support Oleksii Chernyshov



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