Parliament supported a draft law on the functioning of local self-government during martial law

The Verkhovna Rada approved the Draft Law “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law” on the Functioning of Local Self-Government during Martial Law" (Reg. No. 7269) in its entirety in the second reading. This was announced by Oleksii Chernyshov, Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine.

“Adoption of the Law will allow to ensure proper and continuous operation of local self-government bodies under martial law, as well as to make time-sensitive decisions to ensure the day-to-day functioning of municipalities. The Draft Law expands the powers of the heads of villages, towns and cities of the municipalities where there are no active hostilities and no military administration has been established. In particular, the head of the municipality will be able to make a number of decisions on budget, personnel, etc. at their own discretion,” the Minister said.

The Draft Law, inter alia, proposes the following:

  • Regulating the operation of military administrations of settlements;
  • Subject to the formation of the military administration of a settlement, the powers of the village/town/city councils and their executive bodies will be transferred to the military administration, and the powers of their heads will be transferred to the head of the military administration;
  • Increasing the powers of the heads of villages, towns and cities of the municipality (where there are no active hostilities and no military administration has been established), who will be able to make a number of decisions on budget, personnel, etc. at their own discretion;
  • The head of a village, town or city or the head of an executive body is entitled, at their own discretion, to promptly appoint persons to positions in local self-government bodies, as well as heads of public utility companies, institutions, administration units of their local self-government body;
  • The powers of regional (in case of occupation or encirclement of the capital city of the region) and district councils will be transferred to the regional/district military administration.

Earlier during a meeting with the heads of municipalities, Oleksii Chernyshov, Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, emphasised that local self-government in Ukraine is also an army that provides a competent and efficient response to today’s challenge, bringing our victory closer.

12.05.2022 - 18:43 | Views: 4900
Parliament supported a draft law on the functioning of local self-government during martial law


law Oleksii Chernyshov



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