New legislation shall oblige the local authorities to monitor all the development sites locally and envisages punishment for officials, - a people’s deputy

Bill №5655, being prepared for the second reading at the Verkhovna Rada, obliges local self-government bodies to monitor all the facilities, being constructed on their territories.

It was highlighted by Olena Shulyak, a people’s deputy, in her column at the Economic Truth (Ekonomichna Pravda).

«The algorithm is as follows: officials shall know and keep records of all the facilities, being constructed in towns or villages, attend the construction sites to check if the documents correspond to the reality, and if needed, respond to the residents’ addresses if they inform that something “has gone wrong". For this purpose, people can leave an application at our electronic construction system», - wrote Olena Shulyak.

20.10.2021 - 08:34 | Views: 4805
New legislation shall oblige the local authorities to monitor all the development sites locally and envisages punishment for officials, - a people’s deputy


law supervision Olena Shuliak


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