On the starosta districts formation, starostas appointment, etc.

In the near future the newly elected councils of AHs, including villages or settlements, will face the issue of forming starosta districts, approving of nominees for starosta posts, proposed by the hromada head, as well as confirming the Provision on the Starosta, defining the order of its functioning organisation. However, there are certain legal gaps in the part of powers of the village, settlement, urban councils. The performed analysis of the current wording of Law of Ukraine №280/97-VR On Local Self-Government in Ukraine testifies to the availability of regulatory provisions that can’t be applied anymore, as well as a lack of regulatory provisions which are vitally important for the newly elected village, settlement, urban councils to make all the necessary decisions about starostas and starosta districts at their first sessions. In other words, we are experiencing the situation to be coped with exclusively with the help of the current regulatory provisions of Law №280/97-VR before it is regulated at the legislative level.

Колонка відображає винятково позицію її автора. За достовірність інформації відповідає автор колонки. Точка зору редакції порталу «Децентралізація» може не збігатися з точкою зору автора колонки.
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