How U-LEAD with Europe helps hromadas equip ASCs

What is the first and second rounds of the U-LEAD with Europe Roll-Out Phase? For 3 million residents of 210 hromadas in 24 oblasts of Ukraine, this is a new quality of receiving administrative services through the ASC establishment and modernisation with the support of the Programme. For ASC employees, this is a new experience of working in modern conditions and new approaches through training and consulting with Programme experts.

And for the team of implementers on improved administrative service delivery, this is one of the largest technical assistance programmes in Ukraine. It is easiest to describe the results of our work in numbers. In the coming months, 210 hromadas participating in Round 1 and 2 will receive all deliveries, including nearly 300 delivery points, of more than 3,000 sets of computer hardware and 20,000 furniture items (desks, chairs, children's play corners), as well as hundreds of signs and plates, information stands, electronic queue systems and other equipment, without which it is impossible to imagine the work of modern ASC. The geography of deliveries is spread all over the country: from Vyshniv in the Volyn Oblast to Chaplynka in the Kherson Oblast.

More information about tender procedures and results:;

Detailed description of the algorithm of physical assistance deliveries is available in Ukrainian

21.11.2019 - 15:07 | Views: 11608

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Administrative services


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