Briefing note
The Hnivanska urban amalgamated hromada was formed on 22 November 2016 by amalgamating the Hnivan city council of the Tyvriv rayon and the Demydiv village council of the Zhmerynka rayon. The administrative centre is Hnivan city. The hromada includes the city of Hnivan and 3 villages: Hryzhyntsi, Demydivka and Mohylivka. On 29 October 2017, the first elections of the Hnivanska AH took place. Volodymyr Kulyeshov was elected as a head of the city. The city council consists of 26 deputies. The hromada area is 102.1 km² and the population is about 15,000 residents.
Only in the three years of its existence, the Hnivanska AH has moved from a formal amalgamation to the true unity of not only finances and resources, but also energy and efforts of its residents.
For three years, the Hnivan city, hromada’s centre, has implemented many projects and plans that Volodymyr Kulyeshov, city’s head, can talk about for hours: asphalt roads, street lighting, water supply, kindergartens, schools, ASC, cultural institutions, energy efficiency… But, above all, journalists were interested how the process of amalgamation affected the lives of the villages that had formed a hromada together with the city.
It is about the Demydiv starosta district. The district centre is the village of Mohylivka, which some years ago could not boast of special success. Journalists were surprised by the quality of the asphalt paved in the village centre, the improvement of the central square, the replacement of the external lighting networks, the wired internet, the construction of the third stage for the water supply, the modern school for 150 students, which only needs replacement of windows, and the overhaul of the house of culture and arts.
The residents of Mohylivka are sincerely glad that they did not waste time and amalgamated. Volodymyr Kulyeshov, head of the Hnivanska AH, says, “Despite our successes, there are still a number of problematic issues. But we have never regretted about our decision to amalgamate. The main thing is that we do not stop, we continue working, developing and elaborating our territory with the help of the whole hromada to make the life comfortable.”
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Вінницька областьГромади:
Гніванська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Гніванська територіальна громадаSource:
Газета Місто
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