How to achieve the key goals of AH through agile, that is, a flexible approach to development? In the Digital Communities article series, the DOBRE Programme advises AHs to grow successfully in the digital space, as well as considers how to achieve hromada’s goals through a flexible approach to developing online resources.
Classically, this is a software development methodology used by IT companies before launching new projects. Agile is based on the “iteration principle” – that is, creating parts of the product in stages, one by one.
Read more about agile in the article.
How to achieve AH goals with agile approach?
It is clear that the website is one of the main links that connects your hromada with the world – investors, tourists, partners. In addition to the basic website content, such as news, contacts, you can also try new services that will help you achieve your goals for a certain period.
Turn the AH website into a “place of attraction” for useful services in the field of participation:
Don't try to start all the services right away. Start with one, plug it in, see how it works.
Analyse your hromada development strategy, see what tools are missing from the official website to achieve it.
Therefore, we advise all proactive hromadas to test everything and never be afraid to try something new.
For a set of recommendations for AH sustainable development in the digital space, see the link in the Digital Hromadas section. Learn how to develop an AH website with a new approach, how to get your investor interested in joint projects, and how to promote budget transparency in your localities.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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