Ladyzhynska hromada attracted investors for UAH 62 million

The hromada, established late last year, attracted two large investors who will create jobs for hromada residents and fill its budget. These are Energo Impulse Ukraine LLC and Nastashka Agroindustrial Complex. The planned investment is UAH 62 million.

According to Serhii Tsokolenko, head of the Ladyzhynska AH, Energo Impulse Ukraine plans to build three solar power plants on the territory of the Kolodyste village council, creating 42 jobs for the hromada residents by the end of this year. The total area allocated for this construction is over 77 hectares, the project implementation period is 2019-2010. The total investment value is over UAH 30 million.

“Installation of solar panels on the AH territory is among hromada’s most effective fundraising sources. In addition to direct payments to the budget (personal income tax and land tax), there is also a real opportunity to receive additional assistance in the form of one-off contributions and payments from investors. Not to mention other positive points: new jobs created, requests for service delivered by local producers, improvement of the AH investment image,” says Hryhorii Pererva, regional development adviser of the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




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