96% of infrastructure subvention already distributed for various projects in amalgamated hromadas

The responsible commission at MinRegion has already approved 2621 projects in amalgamated hromadas to be funded through the infrastructure subvention totaling UAH 2.021 billion. The sum of UAH 79 million (3.8% of the total volume) remain to be distributed.

The amalgamated hromadas of the Vinnytsia, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Cherkasy and Chernivtsi Oblasts have distributed almost 100% of the subvention among their projects.

The most sums of the undistributed subvention remain in the Kherson (21.7%) and Dnipropetrovsk (balance - 13%) Oblasts.

It is worth reminding that state is obliged to support the amalgamated hromadas within five years after their creation.

In 2019, the sum of UAH 2.1 billion was provided to develop the AH infrastructure. These funds are allocated among the budgets of 806 amalgamated hromadas created in 2015-2018 in proportion to the AH area and the number of rural population in such a hromada. That is, the more rural territories a hromada unites, the more funds it can receive from the state budget for infrastructure development.

In total from 2016 to 2019, inclusive, the Government allocated UAH 6.5 billion for infrastructure development of the amalgamated hromadas: UAH 1 billion for 159 AHS (2016), UAH 1.5 billion for 367 AHs (2017), UAH 1.9 billion for 665 AHs (2018). In 2019, the amount of the subvention makes UAH 2.1 billion.

During 2015-2018, the amalgamated hromadas implemented 6380 projects for infrastructure subventions.

22.07.2019 - 11:15 | Views: 8456
96% of infrastructure subvention already distributed for various projects in amalgamated hromadas


subvention subventsiia 2019


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