For three years, the Myropilska AH has managed to implement several important projects that had been awaiting funding for years. Here authorities can find an approach to investors by creating privileges for those who register on the AH territory and pay taxes to the local budget.
Priority is given to energy efficiency, education and social sphere
The Myropilska AH was established at the end of 2016. It united the urban-type settlement of Myropil and 5 neighbouring villages, and now has more than 6 thousand residents on its territory. For three years, the hromada has received the infrastructure subvention, through which it is possible to reconstruct important facilities.
"In the first two years, we directed the infrastructure subvention to healthcare. We repaired three rural health posts. Thus, in the first aid post of Pylypo-Koshar village, in addition to repairs, an apartment for the local paramedic was arranged, where she lives with her family. In Kolodyazhne, the rural health post was transferred to soil fuel boilers for UAH 440,000, which are now used for heating the post itself, administrative premises, where the acting starosta works, and the kindergarten. We had to pay UAH 180.000 per year for electric heating in the kindergarten, but now have significant savings and 2 new jobs in the boiler house," added Valerii Hyndych, head of Myropil urban-type settlement.
According to him, this year’s infrastructure subvention and funds from the local budget will be used for installation of pipes and new boilers in the outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine, installation of a new water tower in Myropil and replacement of the roof in the Myropil secondary school of I-III degrees.
In addition, at the expense of the SFRD, the insulation of the Myropil gymnasium - the hub instituion - continues.
Hromada’s budget has increased 8-fold for three years
"In 2016, our budget amounted to UAH 5 million, and now it makes up UAH 44 million, so it has grown 8-fold. Subsidies and subventions from the state and oblast budgets make up 52% of own revenues. The rest is a personal income tax, the largest contributor to which is the military unit - its inflow is about UAH 600.000 monthly. The proceeds from land payment are also important for the budget", tells Olha Babych, accountant of the Miropilska AH.
She adds that there are no additional divisions in the urban settlement’s council that has allowed to preserve jobs in villages. In particular, all hromada libraries continue working, they are provided with computers and regularly receive newspapers and magazines prepaid from the local budget.
Tamara Hryb, deputy head on humanitarian affairs of the urban settlement head, emphasises: "We provide free meals for pupils of 1-4 classes and privileged persons at schools. Children from villages that are not included into the hromada, visit the art school and all benefits are kept for them. We provide buses to get to the hub school, the school in Myropil and a child development centre".
Valerii Hyndych tells that hromada’s car fleet has significantly improved for the last three years.
Due to replacement of street lighting lamps for energy-efficient in all settlements of the Myropilska AH, it is possible to save up to 40% of electricity.
Another village council to join hromada
The hromada does not forget about social protection. Thus, in the territorial centre of social services, operating on the basis of the outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine, citizens can submit documents for subsidy, pensioners have the opportunity to wash clothes in the washing machine, and poor people can take clothes they need for free and get warm tea in cold weather.
In addition, specialists of the centre provide medical procedures.
Due to the social agreements concluded with the settlement council, the enterprises provide significant support to the hromada, as local authorities create favourable conditions for them.
The key to success of the Myropilska AH is that work on solving urgent problems is done by everyone.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Житомирська областьГромади:
Миропільська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Миропільська територіальна громадаSource:
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