Chervone EcoFest was held on 28 June in the village of Chervone and united active people interested in solid household waste management and environment protection. Throughout the day, master classes, cognitive excursions, art performances and prize lottery were organised for the visitors of the festival.
Children and young people were invited to take part in the eco-quest. According to the legend, they all appeared in the future, where the air, water and soil are so polluted by hazardous waste that the planet has become simply unfit for life.
The tent of the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University team was one of the most visited locations, since chemical experiments were demonstrated there, during which almost 40 liters of liquid nitrogen were used.
As noted by the organisers – NGO “Modern Format”, they also sought to draw attention to the Tereshchenko Palace, which is on the brink of destruction, but still has a chance to become the most notable tourist magnet of the Zhytomyr Oblast.
In addition to the sights, delicious meals were offered for the guests, and everyone had an opportunity to enjoy varenyky (dumplings) free of charge.
Chervone EcoFest has become an example of how one event and a common eco-idea can unite public figures, authorities, responsible business, creative teams, and most importantly – hromada residents. Guests from different villages, settlements and cities of the Zhytomyr Oblast, from the capital, other cities of Ukraine and from abroad came to EcoFest in Chervone,” said Zhanna Solovyova, festival organiser.
The festival was held within the framework of the project "Waste management in hromadas: from informing to sorting”, carried out with the support of GIZ and U-LEAD with Europe Programme.
culture tourism garbage Kultura krashchi praktyky
Житомирська областьГромади:
Червоненська селищна об’єднана територіальна громадаSource:
Житомирський Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування
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