Mliyivska AH rewards its gifted youth

The practice of financial rewards to the best pupils was introduced in the Mliyivska AH of the Horodyshche Rayon. In this way, the hromada encourages winners of competitions and Olympiads of different levels. According to Oleksandr Myndra, head of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Executive Committee of the Mliyiv Village Council, the hromada has several laureates and winners of oblast and Rayon Olympiads, there are pupils, who won in several nominations at once. Teachers also get financial certificates for the victories of their pupils. For the victory in the oblast Olympiad the pupil gets up to UAH 2 thousand, in all-Ukrainian – up to UAH 9 thousand. The teacher who trained a capable pupil receives twice as much.

The hromada approved the programme for support of talented youth for three years.

“This programme implementation has become possible due to decentralisation, and the AH can analyse its capabilities and direct funds to provide high-quality services in the hromada,” said Anna Sarana, Municipal Service Adviser of the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

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27.06.2019 - 13:46 | Views: 8152
Mliyivska AH rewards its gifted youth




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