Online game breaking myths of decentralisation

People living in amalgamated hromadas do not always know about the principles of their functioning. The rest ones are afraid of the idea itself. How can an online game change the situation?

Author: Tetiana Voronina,

Expert on Strategic Communications of the "I am the Hromada!" Informational Campaign

Whether we like it or not, but the volume of information is increasing every day (and, unfortunately, the quality of information does not always correspond to its quantity).
It may be correct that too much unprofessional, controversial information, estimational judgments can make damage to all of us.

Regarding the decentralisation reform, the situation is both interesting and sad: for three weeks of our communicating with people in different regions of Ukraine, we have made sure that myths circulate much oftener than truths. Therefore, the idea of ​​quiz - the questionnaire with options for answers - was correct and relevant: it is important to stimulate people's interest in finding faithful solutions and, at the same time, provide them with additional information that will be useful in practice.

Take an online quiz and define, to which type of AH head you may refer

By forming a block of questions, we analyzed the main demands of people about reform and took into account their own experience of communicating on sites and online. As it turned out, people living in amalgamated hromadas are not always aware of the principles of their functioning: who holds a school and medical institutions, how to choose and recall a starosta, how the AH leadership is formed, and how people can control the actions of the authorities. Where hromadas are not yet amalgamated, myths about the inevitability of the closure of schools and hospitals, the slow extinction of remote villages due to financial discrimination and so on are spread very quickly. Therefore, it is important to ruin these myths for people to make a true decision while voting for amalgamation.

Each quiz question is accompanied by a commentary that unfolds the correct answer, contains examples from practice - the most convincing argument, after all. In particular, we emphasized one of the most important principles of the life in the amalgamated hromada - the delegation of authority and responsibility for the elected heads of the AH and control over their activities and personal involvement in hromada life.

During May - July, the All-Ukrainian "I - the Hromada!" Informational Campaign, organized by the joint efforts of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, will hold a number of public events in 39 settlements in different regions of Ukraine. The aim is to inform the population about the reform of decentralisation and its aspects, in particular in the field of education and health, to raise public awareness about its essence, to demonstrate the best practices of already existing amalgamated hromadas (AHs), and to encourage citizens to become agents of changes.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Колонка відображає винятково позицію її автора. За достовірність інформації відповідає автор колонки. Точка зору редакції порталу «Децентралізація» може не збігатися з точкою зору автора колонки.
06.06.2019 - 14:33 | Views: 13720
Тетяна Вороніна

Author: Тетяна Вороніна




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