It is easier to solve problems together

The destroyed left wing of the school, moldy classrooms, a toilet without drainage runoff, widely discussed several years ago, a cultural centre without tent cover, electrification problem... This is how Karpylivka village with a population of 2 thousand people in the Rivne Oblast started its path to decentralisation in late 2015.

Now Karpylivka is part of the Klesivska AH. According to hromada head Vasyl Hrynyk, much has been done over this time to improve the life of the village.

“Our people, unfortunately, are rarely completely satisfied with something, in most situations they have a one-sided look, often notice negative things, while positive changes are mostly ignored. But, on the other hand, when you look at how much has already been done, you become convinced that decentralisation is a good reform, and it was a right decision to be among the first to start its implementation. Over these three years, more than UAH 10 million were allocated just to Karpylivka, previously such funds have never been seen in the village, says Hanna Karpets, village starosta.

The newly formed AH focused on the renovation of the Karpylivka secondary school of I-III degrees. Here the roof was repaired, windows and doors replaced, 10 sewing machines bought, TVs installed in primary classrooms. They also purchased geography and chemistry equipment, as well as a multimedia complex.

10th-form pupils of the Karpylivka secondary school have recently returned from Kyiv, where they took part in Zero Waste School training sessions, held from the Klitschko Foundation and the Coca-Cola Foundation.

School director Volodymyr Halushko

Currently, 452 children study at the institution.

The roof of the village cultural centre was renovated, the Internet access was provided, new office furniture, computer equipment, musical equipment, stage costumes purchased.

Karpylivka residents adore singing. The vocal art attracts both young people and the older generation.

Valentina Romanchuk, head of the library (left) and Lyudmyla Martynyuk, head of the cultural centre

Alla Nikonchuk, head of the “Dzvinochok” kindergarten, has already realised her creative ideas. At the expense of the public budget, a modern playground was arranged on the territory of the kindergarten.

On the playground of the local kindergarten "Dzvinochok"

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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Клесівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Клесівська територіальна громада


Голос України

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